What is self mastery?
Self mastery is defined as being in control of your internal thought processes that guide your emotions, habits and your behaviors.
Self mastery can be viewed as knowing how to use your superpowers, we all are superheroes, there is a divine power in all of us.
Each person is a unique expression of the divine source of power and our assignment is to remember, claim and know that we are powerful.
Now until you own your power the team you desire will not show up. The team being, the friendships, partnerships or love you seek will not show up until you own the power in you.
You will continue to draw all the villains, the haters and negative forces when you look outside of yourself for the joy, happiness, peace and power that the infinite has waiting for you.
Just like in the movies, The Avengers, Star Wars and X-Men people will seek to find those who know their power and try to join forces to eventually learn how to become a team.
Stop looking for your team until you know and own your power. So that no negative thoughts or forces can cause to doubt your power and get you off track. Once you do that, your team will come looking for you.
Iron sharpens iron but first you have to sharpen your own saw.